Maui Newsletter: April 2024

It’s The People That Make Maui Special

It's The People That Make Maui Special

It’s The People That Make Maui Special

Aloha Family & Friends
We frequently talk about the ways that life on Maui differs from other places. But really? Although our flora and fauna may be different, one aspect rings true – the warm camaraderie among us is the same. In that respect, life in Lahaina is just like life in any small town…it’s the people that make Maui special.

Here’s a few examples that always make us smile:

Anita is a friend and fellow realtor that I run into every time I go to the post office. We don’t plan it; it just happens. We pause, laugh and catch up before continuing our errands.

And then there’s Vidya, who I see almost daily during my morning Gidget walk in the neighborhood. We stop, pull out our earbuds, say hello and check in with each other.

There’s our dear friend Charlene and her joy for creating holiday meal events. Charlene (and her trusty Amazon deliveries) create the perfect themed décor – and no holiday is too minor! St. Patrick’s Day, Valentines Day and all the rest – she’s got them covered. Our “birth families” might be an island or ocean away, but it’s great to know there’s always a place for us at our “Maui Family’s” table.

Oh, and one more shout out… If you even mention a favorite dessert to our friend Phyllis (during a jigsaw puzzle exchange, of course), the next thing you know, she will make it for you. As proof, we’re including her phenomenal lemon cake recipe this month.

Greg says a major part of island life is the comfort of seeing familiar faces on a daily basis. And he’s right. It’s a big reason why we love our home. It’s the people. And we wanted you to know that although our community has experienced more than its share of heartache in the past year, the simple joy of friendships like these and countless others remain, making West Maui not just a place, but place to call “home.”

Aloha, Greg & Leah

Kaanapali Luxury Living Maui Newsletter April Market 2024
Kaanapali Luxury Living Maui Newsletter April Market 2024

This easy-to-make torte begins with a cake baked in a jelly-roll pan. Phyllis’ favorite Lemon Mint Torte!

Lemon Mint Torte



  • 1 (15.25- to 16.5-ounce) package lemon cake mix
  • 1 1/4 cups water
  • 1/2 cup Land O Lakes® Butter, melted
  • 3 large Land O Lakes® Eggs


  • 2 cups Land O Lakes® Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon mint flavoring
  • 1 (15.75-ounce) can lemon pie filling


  • Fresh mint
  • Lemon slices
Lemon Mint Torte
  1. Heat oven to 350°F. Grease bottom only of 15x10x1-inch baking pan; set aside.
  2. Combine all cake ingredients in bowl. Beat until well mixed. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 20-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Run knife around sides of pan to loosen edges. Cool completely.
  3. Cut cake crosswise into 3 equal (10×5-inch) pieces while in pan. Place pan into freezer 30-40 minutes or until cake is firm.
  4. Combine whipping cream, powdered sugar and desired amount of mint flavoring in bowl; beat until stiff peaks form. Gently stir in 1/2 cup lemon pie filling.
  5. Remove cake from freezer; place 1 cake piece, lifting with wide spatula, onto rectangular serving tray. Spread half (about 1/2 cup) of remaining pie filling over cake. Spread 1/2 cup whipped cream mixture over lemon filling. Top with second cake piece; spread with remaining pie filling and 1/2 cup whipped cream mixture. Top with third cake piece; spread remaining whipped cream mixture over sides and top of torte. Refrigerate 6-8 hours or until set.
  6. Garnish with fresh mint and lemon slices before serving. Cut torte with long, sharp serrated knife. Store refrigerated.


Lemon Mint Torte Recipe from Land O Lakes